36 Little Things That Make Life Happy

Written By IODM ITUK | October 23. 2017 at 10:23 am

Sometimes, it's the little things in life that make you happy.

Boomshakalaka Today is my 36th Birthday and what better way to spend it and share 36 little things that make life happy!
To celebrate, I asked a few good friends what little things in life makes them happy and included them with some of my own. For some, a perfectly popped bag of popcorn or clothes fresh out of the dryer is more than enough to put a smile on their face.
What little thing makes you happy?
1. Clothes fresh out of the dryer. 
2. Singing.
3. Breaking perforated seals on just about anything.

4. A perfectly popped bag of popcorn.

5. A good hair day. 

6. Getting off work while it's still light outside. 

7. Waking up a minute before your alarm goes off, so you aren't jolted out of bed.

8. Receiving mail that isn’t a bill.

9. Interpretive dancing when nobody is watching (especially in the car)

10. Clicking Unsubscribe.

11. Waking up early and realizing you have hours to sleep.

12. A simple SMILE back.

13. Finding money in your pocket that you forgot about.

14. A bath.

15. The elevator arriving the second you push the button.

16. Paying for a small drink, but getting a large.

17. Listening to your favorite song on repeat. 

18. Having just enough milk for a bowl of cereal.

19. Getting to the subway platform, just as the train arrives.

20. Getting retweets.

21. Hugs, long and short ones. 

22. Taking the first sip of your favorite drink.

23. Clean laundry.

24. Popping bubble wrap.

25.When you find the missing match to your favorite socks.

26. Sleeping in clean fresh sheets.

27. Knowing all the words to a song on the radio.

28. Sandwiches 

29. Taking off your shoes when you get home

30. 100% charge on your phone.

31. Talking to your BFF for hours.

32. Social Media

33. Spending time with loved ones

34.  GOD

35. Making others happy

36. Chocolate
*Bonus Me

While these aren't the only happy things in the world, they are a few and I hope they have helped to lift your spirits today. I know that they have helped me.


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