6 Simple Ways to Not Give Up When You Really Want To
Written By IODM
ITUK | November 6. 2017 at 10:23 am
Like a lot of people, I have
felt the urge to give up on something or some things. It’s easy to get to a point where it
seems as though the time you’ve invested in a dream or goal and the time of
fruition can be very daunting.
There are cycles of
excitement, enthusiasm, creativity, and they are followed by despair,
discouragement, and the desire to quit…
Yes, so once in a while,
wanting to give up is normal. But giving up is not okay.
Maybe you’re
disappointed or tired because you haven’t succeeded yet after lots of trials,
but don’t you give up yet because nothing worth having comes easy. (Right?!?)
Giving up makes you
lose more things than you can imagine.
Do what your
future self will thank you for, not regret. Here’re 6 things to do when you
feel like you want to give up.
Go Back
to Why You Started and How Much You Really Wanted It.
Going back to
the beginning brings into focus the purpose of your endeavor. The memory of
anticipation of the job accomplished is stirred up again when you begin to
contemplate the reason you began in the first place. Breathe in deep and recall
your purpose.
Think back to the moment that
this project, goal, or concept was conceived. Remember the joy and thrill of
the adventure ahead? At the beginning, you had a goal in mind; a beautiful
picture etched in your mind of the finished task. Beginning was simple;
carrying through has become difficult.
Remember: This Is Not the First
Challenging Thing You’ve Had to Do
I’d wager that no matter how
far along you are in your career, you had to figure out some tricky problems to
get to where you are today. And sure, I know a thing or two about looking at
previous accomplishments and saying, “Oh, that little thing? That just took a
little patience, scotch tape, and a very blunt conversation with my boss.”
truth is that even the little things are evidence that you have the right
amount of determination and skill to tackle the project you’re stumped by in
this moment. You’ve powered through plenty of other challenging tasks in the
past. There’s nothing stopping you from taking this one on either.
Asking For Help Doesn’t Make You a
you’re anything like me, one million thoughts and emotions run through your
mind when someone suggests asking for help. You don’t want to look incompetent,
or you don’t want to bother someone else with your problems (which you’re
convinced are kind of stupid).
here’s the thing: Everyone has been exactly where you are, dealing with a
project that doesn’t seem to have an obvious solution. And because everyone can
relate to that, most people you’ll come across will be pretty empathetic about
your predicament. Even better, if someone on your team has a solution, he or
she will probably be willing to share. So, while it might seem like a great way
to sabotage your career, don’t be afraid to ask for help, even if all you need
is a little reminder that you can do this.
In Your Mind the End Result.
in your mind the picture of the end result. A visualization of what you want to
accomplish will keep you moving forward. I mean, seriously, you don’t want to
stop partway through. The feeling of being a quitter isn’t pleasant. You are a
winner! Remember the slogan: the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat!
you want to quit, ask yourself, do you want the thrill of victory? Or would you
rather the agony of defeat? Press on; you can do this.
give up!
Be Grateful For the Good Things While Struggling.
you may feel like giving up. Yes, you are struggling. Yes, you are overwhelmed
at the moment. I know this may seem like a strange thing to say, but remember
to be grateful.
you feel like giving up, stop and make a list of the things you are grateful
for in your life. You have so much positivity in your life to be thankful for.
When you shift your focus to becoming grateful for all things, tasks that seem
overwhelming take on a new light. The way you look at the situations around you
depends on the attitude with which you view them. Take on an attitude of
gratitude and you will be amazed at the difference it makes.
Celebrate Your Victories, No Matter How Small They Seem.
deserve to acknowledge all the victories that you have made along the way.
Instead of feeling overwhelmed at all that you have left to do, write out a
list of accomplishments you have already completed, no matter how small they
may seem.
celebrating your progress, you will renew your energy to complete what you are
doing. When you see all that you have done, it will excite you to take further
action until the finish line.
Have your motivation everywhere to keep you
Here’re some of my
favorite motivational quotes, make them your wallpaper or just have the quotes
stuck on your desk! Just don’t give up! Never, ever give up!
give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait but more difficult
to regret.